Update! Brisbane viewing party added – to watch the Melbourne seminar via live video stream click here to register. Please note we need at least 5 people to run this viewing party.
The 2018 seminar series starts with Jonathan, Myla, Neil & Warwick. This is a great opportunity to network with like minded people and expand your mind! Light refreshments will be provided, courtesy of RMIT.
Guest Speakers and Presentations:
Energy simulation of an aquatic centre Jean Jonathan Duverge, RMIT University Jonathan will share his experience in using EnergyPlus to model and validate the complex interaction between air and water (evaporation) occurring within a swimming pool hall.
Built environment simulation as approach to teaching building science Mary Myla Andamon, RMIT University Myla will present on the experiences and lessons learned in teaching a course in built environment simulation within a postgraduate program specialising in building performance.
Advances in CFD modelling for data centre optimisation Neil Silke, Data Centre CFD and Warwick Stannus, A.G. Coombs CFD is increasingly becoming an essential component in the design of data centres. Neil and Warwick will detail a number of modelling techniques developed to respond to these demands on a recent project involving high density racks and stringent resilience requirements.
Event Details: Date 15 February 2018 Time 5:30pm (6pm start) – 8 pm Venue RMIT Building 80 (Swanston Academic Building) Level 2, Room 2 445 Swanston St Melbourne, VIC 3000