5-7pm 11 October 2017 Energy Action, L10, 28 Margaret St, Sydney By phone: 1800 896 323 participant pin 7105 1170
The AGM of IBPSA Australasia will be held 5-7pm on Wednesday 11 October 2017 at the L10 meeting room of Energy Action, 28 Margaret St Sydney and by phone conference as per the details above. As all current Board members were elected last year for a term of 2 years, there will be no Board elections this year. The agenda for the meeting will be:
Review of activities undertaken in 2016-2017
Report from President
Report from Committee Chairs
Approval of audited accounts for 2016-2017
Establish activities for 2017-2018
General business
All IBPSA members are invited to attend and participate – please RSVP to ibpsa@ibpsa-australasia.org
Dr Paul Bannister President