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Nominations for IBPSA Awards – 2013

It is time to consider nominations for the up-coming 2013 conference in Chambery, France. The Board of IBPSA is seeking nominations for Awards to be presented at Building Simulation 2013, IBPSA’s 13th biennial conference, in Chambery, France from August 26 to 28, 2013. We now invite nominations in the usual three categories as listed below and for each category we will require a brief CV or summary of work (relating to the appropriate category) for the nominee(s) plus the additional information outlined for each category below (Distinguished Service Award, Young Contributor Award, and Outstanding Practice).

PLEASE NOTE Nominations must be made by a third party and NOT THE NOMINEE

Nominations should be sent in the first instance to Lori McElroy as representative of the Awards Committee by a closing date of the 31st January 2013.

We would like as many nominations as possible, so please contact me to discuss a possible nomination if required. Kind regards

Lori McElroy Secretary IBPSA


IBPSA AWARDS What are IBPSA Awards? The International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) makes three awards for outstanding work in the building performance simulation field. These awards are made on a biennial basis at each Building Simulation Conference, providing there is a qualified candidate. In order to allow the awardees time to plan to attend, it is time to consider nominations for the up-coming conference in 2013.

The three categories awarded are:

IBPSA Award for Distinguished Service to Building Simulation This award recognizes an individual who has a distinguished record of contributions to the field of building performance simulation, over a long period. The award consists of a certificate and $500 (US).

IBPSA Outstanding Young Contributor Award This award recognizes an individual at the beginning of their career who has demonstrated potential for significant contributions to the field of building simulation. The award consists of a certificate and $500 (US).

IBPSA Outstanding Practice Award This award recognizes and individual, group or firm, who has made significant contributions to the effective application and/or advancement of building simulation in practice. The award consists of a certificate and $US500.

Nominations Nominations for awards MUST be made by an independent third party.

Nominations for the Distinguished Service Award should include a brief CV which gives the history of involvement with building performance simulation, publications etc., and a summary of the nominee’s specific contribution to the field of building performance simulation – e.g. in the development/ contribution to development of building performance simulation tools or in furthering knowledge in the field of application of building performance simulation, etc.

Nominations for the IBPSA Outstanding Young Contributor Award should include a brief CV, which gives a summary of the individual’s contributions to the field of building performance simulation, their publications etc., and an assessment of the potential for future contributions arising from the individual.

Nominations for the Outstanding Practice Award should be accompanied by a summary of the individual’s, group’s or firm’s contributions to the field of building performance simulation in practice and an assessment of the significance of these contributions.

Submission Deadline and other Details

Deadline – 31 January 2013 Submit to – Nominations should be sent in the first instance to Lori McElroy, Chair of the Awards Committee by a closing date of the 31st January 2013.

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