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International Conference of the Architectural Science Association Adelaide, 7-9 December 2016

IBPSA Australasia

Registration & Conference Dinner

Registration is now open and can be accessed through the conference website (see link below). Full registration includes conference attendance, book of abstracts, downloadable copy of full book of proceedings, lunches, coffee/tea, welcome reception, and Conference dinner and tour at the Adelaide Oval.

Keynote Speakers

We are pleased to have Ms Lisa Heschong (founding Principle of Heschong Mahone Group (HMG)) and Professor Richard de Dear (University of Sydney) as Keynote Speakers at the conference. More information about the Keynote Speakers can be found on the conference website.

Call for Abstracts

Abstract submissions are still open through until March 28th 2016. This is the final week to submit your abstract!

Workshop Expressions of Interest

If there is sufficient interest, the conference will also feature a series of workshops, including IEQ monitoring, building performance simulation software packages, etc. Please enter your preference on the workshops at

More information

For more information about the conference, including key dates, abstract submission, registration, program, venue and accommodation please visit: Please feel free to distribute this final call for submissions to your networks.

We look forward to welcoming you in Adelaide in December 2016.

Associate Professor Veronica Soebarto Conference Chair School of Architecture & Built Environment The University of Adelaide Adelaide, South Australia 5005 Australia Phone +61 8 8313 5695

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