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IBPSA Australasia

TOPIC: Airtightness & House Energy Rating Data

SCHEDULE: 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm – Networking 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm – Presentations 7:00 pm on – Networking

Light refreshments will be provided.

Note: We are investigating webinar access for those outside Melbourne, so stay tuned!

FEE: $25

Guest speakers and presentations:

Airtight Buildings – What is all the hot air about? Matej Culanic, Aurecon

Matej will be exploring how airtightness in commercial buildings impact upon their energy consumption while making sense of conflicting information available on their benefits and detriments. He will discuss how different energy modelling tools used by the industry analyses and calculate the impacts of airtightness.

Matej is an ESD Engineer and Certified Passive House consultant who is part of Aurecon’s sustainability team. He has completed a master’s degree in energy efficiency modelling with a keen passion for simplifying sustainability integration in projects, building energy & daylight modelling, building performance and optimisation.

NatHERS interactive data visualisation dashboard Michael Ambrose, CSIRO

Michael will be presenting on his current work undertaking analysis of house energy rating data obtained from the more than 450,000 Universal Certificates that have been created as part of the NatHERS energy efficiency compliance requirements for new houses within the NCC. He will share a preview of the interactive data visualisation dashboard he created to allow users to explore the data geospatially to discover area-specific trends and practices.

Michael joined CSIRO in 1992 and is a senior experimental scientist in CSIRO’s Land and Water and has a degree in architecture. He leads projects for industry and the Australian government, involving building energy efficiency, life cycle analysis and sustainable urban development. Michael is the author of numerous book chapters, papers and reports on building energy efficiency and urban sustainability.

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