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Call for Independent Design Review panel members for NABERS Commitment Agreements

IBPSA Australasia

NABERS has released an Expression of Interest for qualified professionals to become members of the NABERS Independent Design Review (IDR) panel for an initial period of three years.

IDR panel members review design documentation and energy models created for NABERS Commitment Agreements. NABERS Commitment Agreements allow buildings that do not yet have existing energy use data, such as new buildings or those going through major refurbishments, to commit to achieving a specific NABERS rating. Reviewers must be on the panel to be qualified to conduct IDRs valid for NABERS Commitment Agreements.

NABERS is seeking expressions of interest for IDR panel membership for:

  1. Spaces that can currently use Commitment Agreements

  2. Office buildings (whole and base)

  3. Office tenancies

  4. Hotels.

  5. Spaces that will soon be able to use Commitment Agreements

  6. Shopping centres

  7. Data centres (IT equipment, infrastructure and whole facility)

  8. Apartment buildings.

We invite you to review the EOI criteria and scope of works required and submit an offer for these services if you qualify.

Tender documentation is available electronically from the NSW eTendering website. Applications are to be lodged electronically through the same site. This Request for Tender (RFT) is an open tender that is open to all qualified professionals.

RFT Title: NABERS Independent Design Review panel refresh and extension RFT/RFQ No: EOI_2110

The tender is scheduled to close on Friday, 14th December 2018 at 10 am. We strongly recommend you submit your application early as file size can slow downloads and late submissions will not be accepted.

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