Call for Abstracts
One-page abstracts are sought for peer-reviewed papers to be presented at Building Simulation 2017 in San Francisco, California, August 7 – 9, 2017. This is the 15th biennial conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
You are encouraged to submit abstracts of papers on any aspect of building-related performance modeling and associated software techniques.
Abstract Due Date: August 10, 2016
Paper Due Date: November 30, 2016
Abstracts will be judged primarily based on scientific soundness of the applied methods and the degree to which the contribution advances the state of the art. Authors of accepted abstracts may submit 4 – 10 page manuscripts that will be double-blind reviewed. Papers that are accepted and presented will be published in the citable conference proceedings.
Submission details and conference information: www.buildingsimulation2017.org.
Non-paper oral presentations will be solicited later in 2016 — that format may be appropriate for case studies or application examples.
The mission of IBPSA is to advance and promote the science of building simulation in order to improve the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of new and existing buildings and urban developments. The U. S. regional affiliate, IBPSA-USA, is the host of Building Simulation 2017. More information is found at www.ibpsa.org and www.ibpsa.us.