As part of the 17th IBPSA International Conference and Exhibition, IBPSA is organizing a student modelling competition. The aim is to facilitate wider participation in the conference by providing a competitive forum for MSc and PhD students to explore the use of building performance simulation. It is expected that several tutors of relevant courses in universities around the world will use the brief of this competition as part of their teaching material.
Further information is available at
The key dates are as follows
January 15th, 2021: Announcement of brief
February 30th, 2021: Deadline for entrants to notify their intent to submit an entry (if you want to start earlier, that is certainly possible, keep us informed at
June 15th, 2021: Deadline for completed entries
July 10th, 2021: Finalists notification
September 1st-3rd, 2021: Presentation of results at BS2021 Conference in Bruges, Belgium