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Australasian Building Simulation Conference 2017

IBPSA Australasia

The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) and The International Building Performance Simulation Association Australasia (IBPSA) are proudly hosting a joint Australasian Building Simulation Conference in Melbourne, Australia on November 15–16, 2017.

The conference will provide a unique forum for the exchange of ideas and information between simulation researchers, simulation developers, building designers, and government legislators. It will explore how simulation is helping to improve building performance and will be an excellent opportunity to keep up to date with the latest innovations in the field of simulation and the energy performance of buildings.

Who should attend? The conference is for anyone working in or learning about the field of building performance simulation including:

  1. Building designers using simulation

  2. Architects

  3. Design engineers and consultants

  4. Simulation researchers

  5. Simulation developers

  6. Building physicists

  7. Regulators specifying simulation as an assessment methodology

  8. Building material and equipment manufacturers

  9. Building owners and operators

Key dates

  1. Final program released August 18

  2. Finalised and fully reviewed paper completed by September 22

  3. Building Simulation 2017 Conference – November 15–16, 2017.


15/11/2017 – 16/11/2017


Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Convention Centre 1 Convention Place South Wharf, VIC 3006 Australia

For tickets visit the AIRAH website.

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