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ASA 2018 Conference is now calling for abstracts!

IBPSA Australasia

The ASA 2018 Conference- Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density is being hosted by the Sustainable Building Innovation Lab (SBi Lab), School of Property, Construction and Project Management, RMIT University, Australia. The Conference invites architectural science and design researchers, educators, students, as well as practitioners and policymakers to present and exchange ideas that will contribute to the betterment of our environment. Please visit our website for more information:

Call for abstract:

We invite submission of abstract of about 400 words addressing the conference themes:

  1. Architecture and environment

  2. Urban design

  3. Outdoor environments and cities

  4. Construction: Materials and technology; Modes of production and mass customization

  5. Building Science: Thermal comfort; Acoustics; and lighting

  6. Building and Energy

  7. Digital architecture; Building and city information modelling; Building simulation, prediction and evaluation

  8. Practice-based and interdisciplinary design and research

  9. Design education and research

  10. History and theory in architectural science

All papers will be double, blind refereed. The abstracts can only be submitted online by 31 March 2018. You can easily accept our invitation and start the process to register for participation by clicking on the following link: Please contact us at, for more information and queries.

The School of Property, Construction and Project Management is looking forward to welcome you in Melbourne!

A/Prof Priya Rajagopalan, RMIT University 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA)

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